
[introduction needed]

The Nature of Gods

Many believe in the existence of Gods, super-beings that somehow roam above or below the normal consciousness of humanity, guiding and answering the calls of individual adherents to one religion or another.

In one of the Introductions to the Book of the Law, Crowley defines Gods as "vast aggregates of experience." One might say that Gods are beings or entities that have accelerated[1] their evolution to a point of incomprehensible understanding to the average human.



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Canons of Thelemic Philosophy & Religion © 1996-2024 by Qui Vident.



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  1. I'm aware of the baggage this term, accelerated, comes with these days. I have no intention of changing the word usage here, but be aware that it has no connection to the meaning used by Dark Enlightenment advocates nor will I tolerate any nonsense attempting to connect it to such individuals. It is used here in the simplest meaning possible. Look it up if you need clarification. ↩︎